Coconut Almond Energy Balls

Coconut Almond Energy Balls

These energy balls are delicious! They taste like a candy bar but instead of being loaded with lots of sugar and bad fats they are full of nutritious whole foods. I have posted two other energy ball recipes (chocolate peanut butter energy balls and chai energy balls) that we like a lot but everyone is telling me this one is their new favorite.

Coconut Almond Energy Balls

This energy ball is a coconut lover’s dream come true. Not only is there lots of toasted coconut in every bite but the addition of coconut oil infuses every energy ball with that irresistible tropical flavor.

Coconut Almond Energy Balls

Creamy almond butter, chocolate (from the protein powder), honey and oats add lots of other yummy flavors. Plus, all of the healthy protein, fiber and fats in just one or two of these keep us feeling satisfied for a long time. They travel really well too so they are great to take to work or on trips.

Coconut Almond Energy Balls


  • 1 ½ cups rolled oats
  • ¾ cup chocolate protein powder (I used chocolate whey protein powder)
  • ½ cup almond butter
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 2/3 cup shredded coconut (I used finely shredded coconut)
  • 4-6 tablespoons water


Toast the shredded coconut in a pan over low heat until it is just starting to turn light brown. Make sure to stir it frequently so it doesn’t burn. Let it cool a couple minutes and then mix together the coconut, oats and protein powder. Melt the coconut oil in a separate bowl and mix in the almond butter until smooth. Stir the almond butter and coconut oil mixture into the oat mixture breaking up large clumps until the almond butter is evenly distributed. Add the honey and 4 tablespoons of water. Mix everything together and add up to 2 tablespoons more water so that the mixture holds together when you press it together. Roll into balls and eat immediately or chill in the fridge for a firmer texture. This makes about 16- 1 inch energy balls.