Grandma O’s Peach Pie

Grandma O's Peach Pie

My Grandma O loved pie! It definitely was her favorite dessert. I have so many memories of the two of us making a pie or two or three. I would be working on the crust while she would be making the filling. Together we would have a pie together in what seemed like minutes.

Grandma O's Peach Pie

If we had fresh peaches on hand when she came to visit, it was a given that we would be making this pie. The cinnamon candies give this pie an irresistible flavor and a beautiful just slightly pink color. I remember one time when we were making this pie, our house was being painted. As the pie baked and the delicious smell started wafting from the oven, the painters outside the kitchen window commented on how delicious whatever we were baking smelled. Grandma being the generous women that she was made sure they all got a piece of warm pie when it was ready to serve.

Grandma O's Peach Pie


  • 5 cups peeled and diced peaches
  • ¼ cup red cinnamon hearts candy
  • 2 tablespoons granulated tapioca
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 9” double pie crust

Mix all of these ingredients together and put in a 9” pie plate with a double crust, making sure to put vent lines in the top crust. Bake at 350°F for about 80 minutes. It is done when the crust is light brown and the filling is bubbling up through the vent lines in the top of the pie.