Parmesan and Garlic Brussels Sprouts

Parmesan and Garlic Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts…not one of my favorite vegetables or probably a lot of other people’s either. However, I like these. The other delicious flavors help tone down the Brussels sprout flavor enough that I can enjoy eating them.

Parmesan and Garlic Brussels Sprouts

These are really easy to make. The hardest part is getting the Brussels sprouts off of the stalk and then cutting them up. Once that’s done the rest goes really fast.

Parmesan and Garlic Brussels Sprouts

The sprouts are cooked in a blend of butter, garlic and salt. Then when they come out of the oven a little bit of Parmesan is mixed in. That’s it. These remind me slightly of garlic bread but without the bread. Butter, garlic and Parmesan are a great flavor combination!

Parmesan and Garlic Brussels Sprouts


  • 2 – 2 ½ pound Brussel sprouts
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 4 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ¼ grated Parmesan cheese


Trim the Brussels sprouts and cut small ones in half and large ones in quarters so they are all about the same size. Add all of the ingredients except for the cheese to a Dutch oven or casserole dish. Bake covered at 375 degrees, stirring occasionally, for about 40 minutes or until the sprouts are tender. Remove from the oven, add the Parmesan and stir well.